Africa and the Laffer Curve: Revisiting the Global Minimum Tax
There is no better time to innovate tax policy than now. As the debate on discouraging multinational corporations from shifting profits and tax revenues to low-tax jurisdictions rages on, the global minimum tax argument has moved to the front burner of the global policy debate.
Self-organizing Nigeria: The Antifragile State
Many observers of Nigeria believe she should have been a failed state. To the surprise of these political analysts and economists around the world, Nigeria is not. The public sector essentially provides none of the key necessities that are found in other nations, and yet Nigeria moves forward.
Can the SDGs Promote Structural Transformation in Africa?
The adoption of the SDGs has refocused global attention on the centrality of sustainability to the development discourse. Meanwhile, African countries are prioritizing structural transformation in their national and continental development programmes to promote employment through commodity-based industrialization. How will these efforts influence Africa’s structural transformation?
Development Gains from Arab-African Trade Integration
Despite their proximity, trade and investment flows between the Arab countries and sub-Saharan Africa are very low. This column reports analysis of the potential development gains from deepening economic integration between groups of countries within and across the two regions, including free trade agreements for stronger growth.
Lessons from the African Mineral Development Centre
The Africa Mining Vision offers a framework for resource exploitation that achieves sustainable development in countries with diverse mineral prospectivity, development histories, and institutional and human capital. The Vision is significant for guiding countries that are seeking to maximize the contribution of mining to sustainable development.
Innovative Financing for Africa: Harnessing Debt for Climate and Nature
Africa is severely impacted by the triple crisis of debt, climate change, and nature loss. The continent’s debt now stands at more than 70% of GDP. There is potential to address these crises through ‘general purpose’ debt financing linked to climate and nature KPIs.